Top ‘Don’t Gamble’ Moments

Betting real money at online casinos is not a joke. I admit, it does really feel exciting and fun but beneath the bright and colourful surface lay various layers of perils. If you want to avoid the most general, yet major mistakes at any online casino and only get the best out of it all, keep on reading.

Don’t Drink and Gamble

Alcohol and gambling are a disaster combination, still a common one. Luckily for me, I don’t like to drink but I’ve seen so many absurd alcohol-driven situations, both at online and land-based gambling sessions, that I could not help but to start with this warning. A blurred mind cannot make any type of good decisions. Drinking gives us a confidence boost and eliminates the fear of losing. And you need this fear. It acts as a protective shield and without that, you would be jumping off cliffs believing that we will grow wings while falling down. And you know, this is never going to happen even after thousands of years of evolution. Just as your chances of winning a jackpot wouldn’t increase if you bet a £2500 on a single slot spin.

No Distractions, Please

This is especially important for all the female gamblers. Women like to multitask. Like painting your nails while talking on the phone and watching a talk show on TV. But if you mess up any of these three activities, it wouldn’t hurt anybody. That is not the case when gambling, though. Betting from the comfort of your own home provides a tonne of distractions. Don’t check your e-mail, don’t chat with anyone, don’t eat, I don’t even listen to music. But that is of course a personal preference. Everything that is keeping your mind away from the gameplay, is your worst enemy. My tip is to be present and extremely focused. Go for a 15-minute intense session rather than a 2-hour loose one mixed with making to-do lists, drinking tea and enjoying a scone.

Take Breaks

If you feel exhausted, tired or unable to focus and think, just stop. Long online gambling sessions make us go around like zombies and zombies are not meant to play blackjack. They are meant to rest. I know it’s hard to tell when you’ve gone overboard, that’s why I like to set a timer and never find an excuse to continue when the alarm starts. Moderation and self-discipline is the key.

Don’t Even Think About Gambler’s Fallacy

When you catch yourself thinking that getting Red at roulette is more likely to happen now that the last 10 outcomes landed on Black, just stop. This is totally not how randomness works. Yet, many players subconsciously start to feel this upcoming false opportunity leading to disappointment and a lower future performance. When falling for the gambler’s fallacy, going broke sooner or later is inevitable.

I hope you found my Don’ts helpful and I’ll be glad to see you back again.

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